Mission and Value Statement
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Golden Thread is a chartered body of U.S. Grand Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis, U.S.A. Our members encourage self-knowledge, self-discipline, self-respect, individual liberty and universal brotherhood while opposing tyranny, superstition and oppression. Our purpose is to raise awareness of the Law of Thelema and Liber AL vel Legis through enthusiasm, diligence, and ingenuity. We provide a supportive environment for individual development within a creative and open-minded community.
To this end, we offer public and private educational and social events such as classes, rituals and discussion groups. Furthermore, we conduct sacramental rites in accordance with Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica and facilitate initiatory rites into Mysteria Mystica Maxima.
Love is the law, love under will.
Here is the U.S.G.L., O.T.O., Mission Statement.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
“Every man and every woman is a star”
Liber AL vel Legis, I,3
Golden Thread does not discriminate against anyone based on their age, race, color, ethnicity, personal religious beliefs, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation or identification, or any other bias the world may decide to conjure up. ALL persons who enter these doors will be received with the same warmth of welcome that we accord to our brothers and sisters, without exception. We also expect all within to treat each other with respect and kindness.
If you are incapable of reciprocating the warm welcome that awaits you inside, please seek your enlightenment elsewhere. Prejudice, ignorance, and fear have no place in Golden Thread.
“We are all free, all independent, all shining gloriously, each one a radiant world.”
Liber DCCCXXXVII, The Law of Liberty
Love is the law, love under will.
The Members of Golden Thread